- Digital Control of up to 3 Independent Feedback Loops
- Dedicated PID-Based Hardware
- 2-Pole, 2-Zero Configurable
- Nonlinear Control
- Soft-Start and Soft-Stop with and without Prebias
- Fast Input Voltage Feed Forward Hardware
- Synchronous Rectifier Dead Time Optimization Peripheral to Use with UCD7138 Synchronous Rectifier Driver
- Up to 16 MHz Error Analog-to-Digital Converter (EADC)
- Configurable Resolution as Small as 1 mV/LSB
- Automatic Resolution Selection
- Up to 8× Oversampling
- Hardware-Based Averaging (up to 8×)
- 10-Bit Effective DAC With 4 Bits of Dither
- Adaptive Sample Trigger Positioning
- Up to 8 High-Resolution Digital Pulse Width Modulated (DPWM) Outputs
- 250-ps Pulse Width Resolution
- 4-ns Frequency and Phase Resolution
- Adjustable Phase-Shift Between Outputs
- Adjustable Dead-band Between Pairs
- Cycle-by-Cycle Duty Cycle Matching
- Up to 2-MHz Switching Frequency
- Configurable PWM Edge Movement
- Trailing Modulation
- Leading Modulation
- Triangular Modulation
- Configurable Feedback Control
- Voltage Mode
- Average Current Mode
- Peak Current Mode Control
- Constant Current
- Constant Power
- Configurable Modulation Methods
- Frequency Modulation
- Phase-Shift Modulation
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Fast, Automatic, and Smooth Mode Switching
- Frequency Modulation and PWM
- Phase-Shift Modulation and PWM
- Frequency Modulation and Phase-Shift Modulation
- High Efficiency and Light Load Management
- Burst Mode
- Ideal Diode Emulation
- Synchronous Rectifier Soft On/Off
- Low IC Standby Power
- Primary Side Voltage Sensing
- Copper Trace Current Sensing
- Flux and Phase Current Balancing
- Current Share Bus Support
- Average or Master and Slave
- Feature Rich Fault Protection Options
- 7 High-Speed Analog Comparators
- Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
- Programmable Fault
- External Fault Capability
- 10 Digital Comparators
- Programmable Blanking Time
- Synchronization of DPWM Waveforms Between Multiple UCD3138A devices
- 14-Channel, 12-Bit, 267-ksps General-Purpose ADC
- Programmable Averaging Filters
- Dual Sample and Hold
- Internal Temperature Sensor
- Fully Programmable High-Performance 31.25-MHz, 32-Bit ARM7TDMI-S Processor
- 32 KB of Program Flash
- 2 KB of Data Flash with ECC
- 4 KB of Data RAM
- Firmware Boot-Load in the Field via PMBus or UART
- Communication Peripherals
- PMBus
- 1 UART
- UART Auto-baud Rate Adjustment
- Timer Capture with Selectable Input Pins
- Up to 5 Additional General Purpose Timers
- Built In Watchdog: BOD and POR
- 64-Pin QFN and 40-Pin QFN Package
- Operating Temperature: –40°C to +125°C
- Debug Interface
- Code Composer Studio with JTAG Interface
- Fusion Digital Power Designer GUI Support
The UCD3138A is a digital power supply controller from Texas Instruments offering superior levels of integration and performance in a single-chip solution. The flexible nature of the UCD3138A makes it suitable for a wide variety of power conversion applications. In addition, multiple peripherals inside the device have been specifically optimized to enhance the performance of AC-DC and isolated DC-DC applications and reduce the solution component count in the IT and network infrastructure space.
The UCD3138A controller is a fully programmable solution offering customers complete control of their application, along with ample ability to differentiate their solution. At the same time, TI is committed to simplifying our customers' development effort by offering best-in-class development tools, including application firmware, Code Composer Studio™ software development environment, and TI’s power development GUI which lets customers configure and monitor key system parameters.
At the core of the UCD3138A controller are the digital control loop peripherals, also known as Digital Power Peripherals (DPPs). Each DPP implements a high-speed digital control loop consisting of a dedicated error analog-to-digital converter (EADC), a PID-based 2-pole-2-zero digital compensator and DPWM outputs with 250-ps pulse width resolution. The device also contains a 12-bit, 267-ksps general-purpose ADC with up to 14 channels, timers, interrupt control, PMBus, and UART communications ports. The device is based on a 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S RISC microcontroller that performs real-time monitoring, configures peripherals, and manages communications. The ARM microcontroller executes its program out of programmable flash memory as well as on-chip RAM and ROM.
In addition to the DPP, specific power management peripherals have been added to enable high efficiency across the entire operating range, high integration for increased power density, reliability, and lowest overall system cost and high flexibility with support for the widest number of control schemes and topologies. Such peripherals include: light load burst mode, synchronous rectification, automatic mode switching, input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sense, ideal diode emulation, constant current constant power control, synchronous rectification soft on and off, peak current mode control, flux balancing, secondary side input voltage sensing, high-resolution current sharing, hardware-configurable soft-start operation with pre-bias, as well as several other features. The device optimizes topology support for voltage mode and peak current mode controlled phase-shifted full bridge, single and dual phase PFC, bridge-less PFC, hard-switched full bridge and half bridge, and LLC half bridge and full bridge.
The UCD3139A is a functional variant of the UCD3138A Digital Power Controller that includes significant improvements over the UCD3138 device For a description of the complete changes made in the UCD3138A, refer to .
UCD3138ALLCEVM150 — UCD3138A LLC 評価モジュール
The UCD3138ALLCEVM150 is an evaluation module (EVM) board, functioning as an LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc converter and digitally controlled by control card UCD3138ACCEVM149. This EVM is used to evaluate digital power control using UCD3138A in LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc conversion (...)
UCD3138OL40EVM-032 — UCD3138 40 ピン、開ループ デジタル電源コントローラの評価基板
UCD3138OL64EVM-031 — UCD3138 64 ピン、開ループ デジタル電源コントローラの評価基板
UCD3138PFCEVM-026 — UCD3138 プログラマブル・デジタル・パワー・コントローラ評価モジュール
The Texas Instruments UCD3138PFCEVM-026 evaluation module (EVM) is a digitally controlled single phase PFC pre-regulator based on the UCD3138 programmable digital power controller. The EVM accepts universal ac line input from 90Vac to 264Vac, 47Hz to 63Hz. The nominal output voltage is 390VDC. (...)
UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 — UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 評価モジュール
UCD3138ACCEVM149 — UCD3138A 制御カード評価モジュール
テキサス・インスツルメンツの UCD3138ACCEVM149 評価基板(EVM)は、絶縁型電源アプリケーション用のデジタル・コントローラである TI 製 UCD3138A 用の制御カードとして機能します。この評価基板は、UCD3138A デバイスを研究するためのスタンドアロン・ボードとして、またはハーフ・ブリッジ共振 LLC などのトポロジーをベースとする完全安定化パワー・コンバータを実装するための制御カードとして使用することができます。評価基板に実装されている UCD3138A (...)
TMDSEMU110-U — XDS110 JTAG デバッグ・プローブ
TI (テキサス・インスツルメンツ) の XDS110 は、TI の各種組込みプロセッサを意図した、新しいクラスのデバッグ・プローブ (エミュレータ) です。XDS110 は XDS100 ファミリを置き換える製品であり、同時に、単一製品で幅広い規格 (IEEE1149.1、IEEE1149.7、SWD) をサポートしています。すべての XDS デバッグ・プローブはまた、組込みトレース・バッファ (ETB) を搭載しているすべての Arm プロセッサと DSP プロセッサで、コア・トレースとシステム・トレースをサポートしています。ピン経由でコア・トレースを実行する場合、XDS560v2 (...)
TMDSEMU560V2STM-U — XDS560™ ソフトウェア v2 システム・トレース USB デバッグ・プローブ
XDS560v2 は、XDS560™ ファミリのデバッグ・プローブの中で最高の性能を達成し、従来の JTAG 規格 (IEEE1149.1) と cJTAG (IEEE1149.7) の両方をサポートしています。シリアル・ワイヤ・デバッグ (SWD) をサポートしていないことに注意してください。
すべての XDS デバッグ・プローブは、組み込みトレース・バッファ (ETB) を搭載しているすべての ARM プロセッサと DSP プロセッサで、コア・トレースとシステム・トレースをサポートしています。ピン経由でコア・トレースを実行する場合、XDS560v2 PRO TRACE が必要です。
TMDSEMU560V2STM-UE — Spectrum Digital XDS560v2 システム・トレース USB およびイーサネット
The XDS560v2 System Trace is the first model of the XDS560v2 family of high-performance debug probes (emulators) for TI processors. The XDS560v2 is the highest performance of the XDS family of debug probes and supports both the traditional JTAG standard (IEEE1149.1) and cJTAG (IEEE1149.7).
The (...)
FUSION_MFR_GUI — Fusion Digital Power 作成ツール
The MFR GUI supports the same devices as Fusion Digital Power Designer software. This tool is typically used in manufacturing (...)
UCD3138_FW_SDK — UCD3138 アプリケーション開発ファームウェア・キット
UCD3138FW-BIDI — Bi-Directional Firmware
UCD3138 non isolated bi-directional switching converter quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a Wide Vin non isolated bi-directional topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with ZVS Transition mode support.
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-FBLLC — Full Bridge / Phase Shift LLC Firmware for UCD3138 in TIDA-00381
UCD3138 Phase Shift LLC quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a resonant LLC topology by providing firmware with ZVS operation and mode switching capability to achieve high efficiency across wider operating conditions.
The resonant LLC topology (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-HSFB — HSFB Firmware
UCD3138 Hard Switched Full Bridge (HSFB) topology firmware gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on high power Hard Switched Full Bridge topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sensing, on the fly (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-PFC — PFC Firmware
UCD3138 Power Factor Correction (PFC) firmware gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a PFC topology by providing all-inclusive firmware that can integrate easily with your housekeeping functionality.
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-PSFB — Phase Shifted Full Bridge Firmware
UCD3138 Phase Shift Full Bridge quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on high power PSFB topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with peak current mode control support, adaptive dead time optimization and programmable slope compensation.
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3138FW_LLC — LLC Half bridge Firmware
UCD3138 Resonant LLC Programmer quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a resonant LLC topology by providing firmware with ZCS protection and mode switching capability to achieve high efficiency across wider operating conditions. The sunflower (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
The Fusion Digital Power Studio is built on top of a Microsoft.NET Application Programming Interface (Fusion-API) that handles I2C/SMBus communication and abstracts devices and commands. It provides high level interfaces to common tasks such as command read/write, full device configuration (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
UCD3PROG-FR03TXI0 — FlashRunner FR03 イン・システム・プログラマ
FUSION-DIGITAL-POWER-STUDIO — Fusion Digital Power Studio 3.0.77
Fusion Digital PowerTM Studio incorporates software tools for Texas Instruments' UCD3138 Integrated Digital Controller family. Fusion Digital Power helps power supply engineers to gain benefits of digital power without learning complex programming skills. Fusion Digital Power is an intuitive (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
FUSION-PRODUCTION-GUI — Fusion Digital Power Production Tool
The production GUI (...)
AC/DC と DC/DC の各コントローラ (外部 FET)
多くの TI リファレンス デザインには、UCD3138A があります。
TI のリファレンス デザイン セレクション ツールを使用すると、開発中のアプリケーションやパラメータとの適合度が最も高いデザインの確認と特定を進めることができます。
パッケージ | ピン数 | CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル |
VQFN (RGC) | 64 | Ultra Librarian |
VQFN (RJA) | 40 | Ultra Librarian |
WQFN (RMH) | 40 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点