FlashRunner FR03 イン・システム・プログラマ


提供元: SMH Technologies


FlashRunnerTM FR03 is a high-performance, standalone In-System Programmer for Flash-based microcontrollers and serial memories. FlashRunnerTM FR03, which is targeted at production environments, easily interfaces to a programming system or Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) and can work either in full standalone mode or be controlled by a host system. In the standalone mode, all the projects and code images are stored on a memory card (FAT16 compatible). FlashRunnerTM FR03 is supported by a Windows utility that allows communication with the instrument and ability to perform the most common operations such as send commands, manage SD card files, update the instrument's firmware, algorithm etc. LEDs on the unit provide easy display of programming status (busy/pass/fail).
  • In-system programming support for UCD3138, UCD3020, UCD3028, UCD3040, and other TI products
  • Standalone operation with Start button (projects and code images stored on a memory card)
  • Controllable by any host system via RS-232, also can be integrated with ATE
  • Supports ISP (in-system programming) protocols
  • LED indicators for Power, Instrument Status & Programming Status (Busy/Pass/Fail)
  • 7.5V DC power supply input (required)
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



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