Arm® コード生成ツール:コンパイラ
Wi-Fi 製品
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
This is the 3.2.0.LTS Long-Term Support (LTS) release of the TI Arm Clang (tiarmclang) Compiler Tools. The tiarmclang compiler tools provide software development tools including the compiler, assembler, and linker, among others, which can be used to develop applications with C/C++ source code for loading and running on Arm Cortex-M and Cortex-R series core processors.
For definitions and explanations of STS, LTS, and the versioning number scheme, please see https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/sdto_cgt_compiler_version_numbers_and_what_they_mean.html.
- Support for ELF Segment "Blocking" (Alignment and Padding)
- Support for OpTI-Flash Smart Placement
- Support for C++17
- Support for Generating TI-TXT Hex Format from tiarmobjcopy
- Addition of Call Coverage to Code Coverage Support
- Support for CSV-Format Code Coverage Output from tiarmcov Utility
- Bug fixes