Math ライブラリ、MSP430 用




Continuing to innovate in the low power and low cost microcontroller space, TI brings you MSPMATHLIB. Leveraging the intelligent peripherals of our devices, this floating point math library of scalar functions brings you up to 26x better performance.

Mathlib is easy to integrate into your designs. This library is free and is integrated in both Code Composer Studio and IAR IDEs. Read the User’s Guide for an in depth look at the math library and relevant benchmarks.

MSP430 devices supported by MSPMATHLIB:

  • MSP430F5xx
  • MSP430F6xx
  • FRAM Based Devices

What does this mean to you? Now your MSP430 can do more while consuming the same or even less power!

This optimized library can bring you increased performance in any applications involving floating point scalar math. This includes metering and sensor based applications and can leverage functions such as sin, cos, tan, log, exp and sqrt.

  • Up to 26x higher performance when executing floating point scalar math functions
  • Remains in low power modes longer due to the increased performance
  • Free and easy to use –  now integrated in CCS and IAR

  • Library
  • User's Guide

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ


  1. The Math Library for MSP430 is now included in CCSTUDDIO
  2. Download the Code Composer Studio to integreate MSPMATHLIB for free
  3. Read the MSPMATHLIB user's guide for instruction on benchmarks and performance



2 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
技術記事 How MSP430FRx MCUs can achieve higher performance PDF | HTML 2015/07/21
ユーザー・ガイド MSPMATHLIB: An Optimized MSP430 Library of Floating-Point Scalar Math Functions 2013/05/05



MSPMATHLIB Math ライブラリ、MSP430 用
IDE (統合開発環境)、コンパイラ、またはデバッガ
CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ 統合開発環境 (IDE)


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