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UCC2732X and UCC3732X Schematic Review Template

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Release date: Jul 28, 2022
Low-side drivers
UCC27321 Automotive 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with inverting input UCC27321-Q1 Automotive 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with inverting input and split outputs UCC27322 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with split outputs and enable UCC27322-EP Enhanced Product 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver driver with split outputs and enable UCC27322-Q1 Automotive 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with noninverting inputs UCC27323 Inverting 4-A/4-A dual-channel low side gate driver UCC27324 Non-inverting 4-A/4-A dual-channel low side gate driver UCC27324-Q1 Automotive non-inverting 4-A/4-A dual-channel low side gate driver UCC27325 4-A/4-A dual-channel gate driver with one inverting, one non-inverting input and hystertic logic UCC37321 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with inverting input, split outputs and enable UCC37322 9-A/9-A single-channel gate driver with split outputs, 25-ns prop delay, and enable UCC37323 4-A/4-A dual-channel gate driver with inverting inputs UCC37324 4-A/4-A dual-channel gate driver with non-inverting inputs UCC37325 4-A/4-A dual-channel gate driver with one inverting, one non-inverting input

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