RF-Sampling Frequency Planner, Analog Filter, and DDC Excel™ Calculator




This Excel calculator provides system designers a way to simplify the design and debugging of direct RF-sampling receivers. It offers three functions: frequency planning, analog filtering, and decimation filter spur location.

In the concept phase, a frequency-planning tool enables fine tuning of both the ADC sampling rate and input-frequency location in order to optimize the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) during a blocking event. Some designs have flexibility on both; others, such as a L-band receiver or a wireless infrastructure base station, deal with fixed-frequency bands and only offer sampling-rate tuning.

The external RF filter response is highly dependent on both the system SFDR targets and the SFDR performance of the ADC itself; an analog filter tool can help there during the design phase.

A decimation filter spur locator tool helps in situations where unwanted spurs in the fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum occur during system bring-up. When the ADC outputs the entire Nyquist zone, it is simple to determine the original frequency, but not necessarily the source of the spur. However, once digital decimation with complex mixing comes into play and only a partial FFT spectrum (into which the spurs are folded) is available, this simple tool maps original spurs of the ADC to their new locations.

  • Frequency planning
  • Analog filtering
  • Decimation filter spur location
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Calculation tool

FREQ-DDC-FILTER-CALC RF-Sampling Frequency Planner, Analog Filter, and DDC Excel Calculator

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

High-speed ADCs (≥10 MSPS)
ADC08DJ3200 8-Bit, Dual 3.2-GSPS or Single 6.4-GSPS, RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12DJ2700 12-bit, dual 2.7-GSPS or single 5.4-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC12DJ3200 12-bit, dual 3.2-GSPS or single 6.4-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC12DJ5200RF RF-sampling 12-bit ADC with dual-channel 5.2 GSPS or single-channel 10.4 GSPS ADC12J1600 12-Bit, 1.6-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12J2700 12-Bit, 2.7-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12J4000 12-Bit, 4.0-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC31RF80 14-Bit, 3-GSPS, RF-Sampling Wideband Receiver and Feedback IC ADC32RF42 Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, 1.5-GSPS RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC32RF44 Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, 2.6-GSPS RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC32RF45 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
RF receivers
ADC32RF80 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, dual DDC/channel, RF-sampling wideband receiver and feedback IC ADC32RF82 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 2.45-GSPS, RF-sampling telecom receiver and feedback IC ADC32RF83 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, single DDC/channel, RF-sampling wideband receiver and feedback IC
RF transceivers
AFE7422 2-transmit, 2-receive RF-sampling transceiver, 10-MHz to 6-GHz, max 1200-MHz IBW AFE7444 4-transmit, 4-receive RF-sampling transceiver, 10-MHz to 6-GHz, max 600-MHz IBW
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FREQ-DDC-FILTER-CALC RF-Sampling Frequency Planner, Analog Filter, and DDC Excel Calculator

Latest version
Release date: Dec 12, 2017
High-speed ADCs (≥10 MSPS)
ADC08DJ3200 8-Bit, Dual 3.2-GSPS or Single 6.4-GSPS, RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12DJ2700 12-bit, dual 2.7-GSPS or single 5.4-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC12DJ3200 12-bit, dual 3.2-GSPS or single 6.4-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADC12DJ5200RF RF-sampling 12-bit ADC with dual-channel 5.2 GSPS or single-channel 10.4 GSPS ADC12J1600 12-Bit, 1.6-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12J2700 12-Bit, 2.7-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC12J4000 12-Bit, 4.0-GSPS, RF Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC31RF80 14-Bit, 3-GSPS, RF-Sampling Wideband Receiver and Feedback IC ADC32RF42 Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, 1.5-GSPS RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC32RF44 Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, 2.6-GSPS RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ADC32RF45 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
RF receivers
ADC32RF80 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, dual DDC/channel, RF-sampling wideband receiver and feedback IC ADC32RF82 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 2.45-GSPS, RF-sampling telecom receiver and feedback IC ADC32RF83 Dual-channel, 14-bit, 3-GSPS, single DDC/channel, RF-sampling wideband receiver and feedback IC
RF transceivers
AFE7422 2-transmit, 2-receive RF-sampling transceiver, 10-MHz to 6-GHz, max 1200-MHz IBW AFE7444 4-transmit, 4-receive RF-sampling transceiver, 10-MHz to 6-GHz, max 600-MHz IBW

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