The LM324B and LM2902B devices are the next-generation versions of the industry-standard operational amplifiers (op amps) LM324 and LM2902, which include four high-voltage (36V) op amps. These devices provide outstanding value for cost-sensitive applications,
with features including low offset (600µV, typical), common-mode input range to ground, and high differential input voltage capability.
The LM324B and LM2902B are unity-gain stable and achieve a low offset voltage maximum of 3mV (2mV maximum for LM324BA and LM2902BA) and quiescent current of 240µA per amplifier (typical). High ESD (2kV HBM and 1.5kV CDM) and integrated EMI and RF filters enable the LM324B and LM2902B devices to be used in the most rugged, environmentally challenging applications.
The LM324B and LM2902B can drop-in replace all versions of the LM224, LM324, and LM2902 devices.
The LM324B and LM2902B devices are the next-generation versions of the industry-standard operational amplifiers (op amps) LM324 and LM2902, which include four high-voltage (36V) op amps. These devices provide outstanding value for cost-sensitive applications,
with features including low offset (600µV, typical), common-mode input range to ground, and high differential input voltage capability.
The LM324B and LM2902B are unity-gain stable and achieve a low offset voltage maximum of 3mV (2mV maximum for LM324BA and LM2902BA) and quiescent current of 240µA per amplifier (typical). High ESD (2kV HBM and 1.5kV CDM) and integrated EMI and RF filters enable the LM324B and LM2902B devices to be used in the most rugged, environmentally challenging applications.
The LM324B and LM2902B can drop-in replace all versions of the LM224, LM324, and LM2902 devices.