Processor SDK Android for AM62x
Prebuilt Android eMMC Binaries for SK-AM62x EVM
AM62x 10.01.00 Kernel Source Package
AM62x 10.01.00 U-boot Source Package
Standalone ARMv8 Toolchain - ARM GCC 13.2 rel1 toolchain
Standalone ARMv7 Toolchain - ARM GCC 13.2 rel1 hard-float toolchain
Arm ベースのプロセッサ
Processor SDK ANDROID AM62X - Online Android SDK user manual for developers
AM62x 10.01.00 Software License Manifest
Android Open Source Project License Manifest - System
Android Open Source Project License Manifest - Vendor
Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK ANDROID AM62X Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is a Android only package. The Processor SDK is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to Android development. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and develop software across devices.
- Android Version 15 / Linux LTS Kernel Version 6.6
- GPU accelerated UI
- CC33xx Wi-Fi Support
- Audio output/input
- USB Camera / CSI Camera
- Ethernet
- SELinux Enforcing mode with user build
- Support for GSI (Generic System Image)
- Support for LVDS panel and dual display (Mirroring and Extended)