



Production software for hi-cell count battery fuel (gas) gauges

バージョン: 2.05
リリース日: 2022/10/28

BQ-PRODUCTION-HI-CELL-SW Windows installer for bq34110

MD5 チェックサム

BQ-PRODUCTION-HI-CELL-SW Windows installer for bq34z100

MD5 チェックサム

BQ-PRODUCTION-HI-CELL-SW Windows installer for bq78350

MD5 チェックサム
lock = 輸出許可が必要 (1 分)
BQ34110 放電が少ないモジュール内蔵、マルチケミストリー・マルチセル・バッテリ残量計 BQ34Z100 1s ~ 16s (16 個の直列)、Impedance Track™ バッテリ残量計 | バッテリ残量計 BQ34Z100-G1 マルチケミストリー Impedance Track™ スタンドアロン残量計 | バッテリ残量計 BQ34Z100-R2 マルチケミストリ Impedance Track™ スタンドアロン バッテリ残量計 BQ78350 bq76940 モニタ・ファミリ用のコンパニオン CEDV 残量計バッテリ・マネージメント・コントローラ BQ78350-R1 CEDV リチウムイオン バッテリ残量計とバッテリ管理コントローラ BQ78350-R1A CEDV リチウムイオン・バッテリ残量計とバッテリ管理コントローラ
BQ34110EVM-796 bq34110 低放電アプリケーション向けマルチケミストリ CEDV バッテリ残量計の評価モジュール BQ34Z100EVM Bq34z100EVM 評価モジュール BQ76920EVM µC-コントロール AFE ファミリ評価モジュール、5/10/15 シリーズ・セル・リチウムイオンおよびリン酸用 BQ76930EVM µC-コントロール AFE ファミリ、5/10/15 シリーズ・セル・リチウムイオンおよびリン酸評価モジュール用 MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 EV2300 alternative for use with BQMTESTER and ADVANCED-BQMTESTER



bqProduction Hi-cell software offers a full suite of robust tools to assist with the process of configuring, calibrating, manufacturing and tracking printed circuit boards utilizing TI Battery management products. This includes features that allow writing a golden image followed by different types of calibration to provide desired levels of accuracy, writing date of manufacture, writing unique serial numbers, and finally validating limits for calibration parameters to spike out any inconsistencies in material. bqProduction Hi-cell software offers three (3) levels of access to allow strict control over the manufacturing process with the assembly line operator only having access to the "Start" button. bqProduction Hi-cell software supports a single station from a single computer and has inbuilt capability to maintain log files for the processed printed circuit boards.



Mode of operation dependent: Requires 1mV, 1mA accurate external power supplies able to supply current required for calibration.


  • Support for MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300
  • Uses industry standard Motorola SREC format golden image programmer
  • Calibration and test automation
  • Unique serial number assignment/programming
  • Supports bq34z100-G1, bq34110, bq78350

MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 is used as a substitute for EV2300. Separate installers may be provided for each family of products and build numbers may vary by device family.

Limitations: Recommended display resolution is 1920x1080 with maximum 125% scaling. The GUI may not show password fields and/or buttons may be moved out of the visible area when using other display settings.



  • Uses MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 instead of EV2300
  • Adds support for bq78350 family of gauges
  • Separate installers for each family of products