



SYS/BIOS マルチコア・ソフトウェア開発キット(MCSDK)、TMS320C66x プロセッサ用

リリース日: 2013/02/27

BIOS MCSDK Post Production Package for Windows (RELEASED ON: 2/8/2013)

MD5 チェックサム

BIOS MCSDK Post Production Package for Linux (RELEASED ON: 2/8/2013)

MD5 チェックサム

BIOS MCSDK Patch 01 Package for Windows (RELEASED ON: 2/28/2013)

MD5 チェックサム

BIOS MCSDK Patch 01 Package for Linux (RELEASED ON: 2/28/2013)

MD5 チェックサム

TI KeyStone1 Emupack Linux Installer v1.0.6 (Gel files and XML files) for CCS 5.1

MD5 チェックサム

TI KeyStone1 Emupack Windows Installer v1.0.6 (Gel files and XML files) for CCS 5.1

MD5 チェックサム

MinGW packages are needed to build the Intermediate Bootloader (IBL)

Tools needed to run Multicore Application Deployment (MAD) Utilities

デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP)
TMS320C6457 通信インフラ デジタル シグナル プロセッサ TMS320C6657 高性能デュアル コア C66x 固定小数点 / 浮動小数点 DSP - 最大 1.25GHz、2 個の UART 搭載 TMS320C6670 通信 / テレコム向け 4 コア固定 / 浮動小数点 DSP TMS320C6678 高性能オクタルコア C66x 固定小数点 / 浮動小数点 DSP - 最大 1.25GHz


BIOS MCSDK Release Notes and Licensing overview


maintenance update

for the post production BIOS-MCSDK 2.1.1 release. This update can be manually downloaded or automatically downloaded directly from CCS using Eclipse Update Manager; see the BIOS MCSDK User's Guide for details on setting up automatic software updates.

The BIOS Multicore Software Development Kit (MCSDK) provides the core foundational building blocks that facilitate application software development on TI's high performance and multicore DSPs. This software release gives developers the ability to evaluate major software capabilities of KeyStone family devices.

Please see

for instructions to run the out of box demonstration application on the evaluation board.

The major updates from the post production release, BIOS-MCSDK 2.1.1, are:

The foundational components include:

Please see the following wiki pages for more information:

Note: Please install Code Composer Studio before installing BIOS-MCSDK package.

Supported Platforms

For technical discussions and issues, please visit