WiLink™ 8 占有 Wi-Fi ドライバ - QNX、Win、RTOS ベースライン




The MCP package contains the install package, pre-compiled object and source of the proprietary Wi-Fi Driver - QNX, Nucleus, WinCE as well as ThreadX, FreeRTOS, µC, MQX ,RTX and uITRON RTOS baseline image to easily integrate the TI WiLink Wi-Fi drivers. The integration is supported through third party vendors. The links to the vendors are below.

The Sigma package provides the required APIs for WL8 code to support automated Sigma certification testing.

The WAPI package provides the WPA Supplicant patch to support WAPI security protocol. For licensing information, release notes and profiles supported, please download the package.

Software block overview:

  • MCP8 WLAN – Software components
    • Main Software Components:
      • Driver core:
        • Implements layer 2 Wi-Fi protocol requirements (Data path and control).
        • Manages and abstracts the WL8-Device & Wi-Fi-FW.
      • Hostap package:
        • Provides the upper-management layers for all WLAN roles (Wi-Fi Station, Wi-Fi Access Point, P2P Group Owner/Client).
          • For Wi-Fi Station role, most functionalities are done inside the driver. Supplicant is mainly in charge of security.
        • User-space component.
        • Based on Open-Source implementation.
      • Platform/Framework/Networking interfaces:
        • Provide the interface to the networking stack.
        • Implements platform-specific logic and services.
      • Utilities:
        • Provide initialization and configuration services.
        • Implement debug and statistics capabilities.

MCP8 WLAN - Software Blocks image

MCP8 Features overview

  • IEEE 802.11 a,b,g,n, 2X2 MIMO @ 2.4GHz and diversity @ 5GHz
  • Modes: STA, AP, P2P, Wi-Fi Direct
  • TP: 100Mbps UDP
  • Security: WMM-PS, WMM-AC, WPA/2PSK, Ent,WPS,WPSv2
  • SW Features:
    • Multi Role Multi Channel : concurrent operation of 2 WLAN roles on a single device.
    • Coex: with BT/BLE at 2.4GHz.
    • DFS Master: radar detection at 5GHz in AP mode.
    • Low power: Station WoW & Suspend/Resume (On supported OS’s)


  • IEEE 802.11 a,b,g,n, 2X2 MIMO @ 2.4GHz and 5GHz
  • Modes: STA, AP, P2P, WiFi Direct
  • TP: 100Mbps UDP
  • Security: WMM-PS, WMM-AC, WPA/2PSK, Ent,WPS,WPSv2
  • SW Features :
    • Multi Role Multi Channel : concurrent operation of 2 WLAN roles on a single device.
    • Coex: with BT/BLE at 2.4GHz.
    • DFS Master: radar detection at 5GHz in AP mode.
    • Low power: Station WoW & Suspend/Resume (On supported OS’s)

3rd Parties OS support:
Windows, Nucleus, ThreadX , VxWorks

Supported modes of operation

Multi-role use cases


20/40Mhz support
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



WILINK8-WIFI-MCP8 WiLink™ 8 独自の Wi-Fi ドライバ – RTOS ベースライン(Linux で使用する NLCP ドライバ向け) - KRACK パッチが付属

lock = 輸出許可が必要 (1 分)

WILINK8-WIFI-MCP8 WiLink™ 8 独自の Wi-Fi ドライバ – RTOS ベースライン(Linux で使用する NLCP ドライバ向け) - KRACK パッチが付属

バージョン: null

WILINK8-WIFI-WTS-MCP8 WiLink™ 8 Wi-Fi テスト・スイート(WTS)ツール

lock = 輸出許可が必要 (1 分)

WILINK8-WIFI-WTS-MCP8 WiLink™ 8 Wi-Fi テスト・スイート(WTS)ツール

バージョン: null


3 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
アプリケーション・ノート Certification Testing Guidelines for WFA System Interoperability Test Plans MCP 2016/12/28
ユーザー・ガイド WiLinkT™ 8 WLAN Features User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2016/05/26
アプリケーション・ノート Certification Testing Guidelines for WFA System Interoperability Test Plans 2016/02/15


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