SimpleLink™ ソフトウェア開発キット(SDK)Wi-Fi® プラグイン




The SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plug-in contains drivers, many sample applications for Wi-Fi features and internet, and documentation needed to use the CC3120 or CC3135 Internet-on-a-chip™ solutions. This Plug-in is a companion software package that enables the use of a Wi-Fi radio on any standard MSP432 platform including the MSP432P401MSP432P4111, and MSP432E401 families, as well as on the CC26X2R family of devices. You can also use the Plug-in as example code for any platform. By having the ability to seamlessly and modularly add Wi-Fi functionality to an embedded system, a programmer can enable their embedded device to become a gateway to various IOT infrastructures.

SimpleLink SDK Plugins are designed to work in tandem to the microprocessor specific SDK. This plugin is designed to work alongside the SimpleLink MSP432P4 SDKSimpleLink MSP432E4 SDK, and SimpleLink CC26X2 SDK

  • Internet-on-a-chip sample applications
    • Email from SimpleLink Wi-Fi solution
    • Information center: get time and weather from the internet
    • HTTPS server: host a secure web page on SimpleLink Wi-Fi solution
    • XMPP: IM chat client
    • Serial interface
  • Wi-Fi sample applications
    • Easy Wi-Fi configuration
    • Station, AP modes
    • TCP/UDP
    • Security –  Enterprise/Personal, TLS/SSL
    • Power management – Deep sleep, hibernate

  • Wi-Fi host driver that is standard within the SimpleLink CC32xx SDK; Code compatibility is enabled between a one chip CC32xx solution and a two chip host microcontroller + CC31xx solution
  • Example demo programs
  • Software user's guide to jumpstart development
  • Software API guide

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4 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
サイバー セキュリティ報告書 SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC32xx/CC31xx SDK and MSP432E4 SDK Integer and Buffer Overflow 2021/04/29
ユーザー・ガイド SimpleLink Wi-Fi AT Command User's Guide (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 2020/10/19
ホワイト・ペーパー Simple and efficient software development with the SimpleLink™ MCU platform (Rev. E) 2019/12/06
ホワイト・ペーパー Wireless Connectivity For The Internet of Things, One Size Does Not Fit All (Rev. A) 2017/10/16



TMDSEMU110-U XDS110 JTAG デバッグ・プローブ
CC3120BOOST SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3120 ワイヤレス・ネットワーク・プロセッサ BoosterPack™ プラグイン・モジュール MSP-EXP432E401Y MSP432E401Y LaunchPad™ development kit for Ethernet SimpleLink™ MCU
BOOSTXL-CC3135 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3135 デュアル・バンド・ワイヤレス・ネットワーク・プロセッサ BoosterPack™ プラグイン・モジュール LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 CC26x2R SimpleLink™ マルチスタンダード ワイヤレス マイコン向け LaunchPad™ 開発キット


IDE (統合開発環境)、コンパイラ、またはデバッガ
CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ 統合開発環境 (IDE) ENERGYTRACE MSP マイコン向け EnergyTrace™ テクノロジー IAR-KICKSTART IAR Embedded Workbench MSP430-GCC-OPENSOURCE GCC - オープン・ソース・コンパイラ、MSP430 マイコン用


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