

The TI Embedded Processor Software Toolkit for Medical Imaging (STK-MED) is a collection of several standard ultrasound algorithms optimized for TI’s C64x+™ architecture. The algorithms showcase how medical imaging functions can leverage the C64x+ architecture for efficient performance and power consumption. The goal of the STK-MED is to shorten customer development time of medical imaging systems by providing optimized implementations of commonly used processing blocks. The source code contained in the STK-MED can easily be extended or modified to develop customized and differentiated modules.

The STK-MED contains optimized C64x+ DSP software for processing blocks commonly found in a medical imaging system. The STK-MED contains a detailed algorithm description, API documentation, benchmarks and test bench for each software module.

The software and test benches can either be run on a CCS device simulator or on a target device. (The C6455 DSK for Medical Imaging is a recommended platform for developing with the STK-MED.)

The STK-MED includes the following modules:

  • Optimized kernel implementations for B-Mode processing
  • Optimized kernel implementations for Doppler Processing functions for 1D Color Flow, 2D Color Flow, Wall Filter and Power Estimator
  • Optimized kernel implementations of RF demodulation and decimation
  • Optimized kernel implementations of Delay And Sum (DAS) receive beamforming
  • Optimized system implementation of Scan Conversion on C64x+ DSP cores of the DM6437, C6455, DM6446 and OMAP3530 SoC
  • Optimized math utilities
  • 3-D rendering
  • Real-time image processing for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

These modules are offered in source code. The table below summarizes the deliverable form of each software module.
Wall FilterSource
Delay and Sum (DAS) receive beamformingSource
Scan ConversionSource
1D Color FlowSource
2D Color FlowSource
Power EstimatorSource
3D RenderingSource
RF demodulation and decimationSource
OCT: Optimized FFTSource
OCT: Cubic SplineSource
Optimized math utilitiesSource

Math Utilities for STK-MED

The STK-MED includes several optimal precision and low complexity implementations of utility math functions used within the functional modules. The math utilities include test benches and profiling. The functions provided include:
  • Four quadrant inverse tangent function
  • Complex magnitude function
  • Division function
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ソフトウェア開発キット (SDK)

MEDIMGSTK-C66X TI Embedded Processor Software Tool Kit for Medical Imaging (STK-MED) - for C66x and C64x+ based processors



デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP)
DM505 15mm パッケージ封止、ビジョン分析向け SoC SM320C6678-HIREL 高信頼性製品、高性能 8 コア C6678 固定小数点 / 浮動小数点 DSP TMS320C6454 C64x+ 固定小数点 DSP - 最大 1GHz、64 ビット EMIFA (非同期 EMIF) と 32/16 ビット DDR2 と 1Gbps イーサネット搭載 TMS320C6455 C64x+ 固定小数点 DSP、最大 1.2GHz、64 ビット EMIFA、32 および 16 ビット DDR2、1Gbps イーサネット TMS320C6457 通信インフラ デジタル シグナル プロセッサ TMS320C6472 固定小数点デジタル シグナル プロセッサ TMS320C6474 マルチコア デジタル シグナル プロセッサ

MEDIMGSTK-C66X TI Embedded Processor Software Tool Kit for Medical Imaging (STK-MED) - for C66x and C64x+ based processors

バージョン: 03.00.00
リリース日: 2011/11/03

STK-MED for C64x+ and C66x Windows Installer

MD5 チェックサム
デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP)
DM505 15mm パッケージ封止、ビジョン分析向け SoC SM320C6678-HIREL 高信頼性製品、高性能 8 コア C6678 固定小数点 / 浮動小数点 DSP TMS320C6454 C64x+ 固定小数点 DSP - 最大 1GHz、64 ビット EMIFA (非同期 EMIF) と 32/16 ビット DDR2 と 1Gbps イーサネット搭載 TMS320C6455 C64x+ 固定小数点 DSP、最大 1.2GHz、64 ビット EMIFA、32 および 16 ビット DDR2、1Gbps イーサネット TMS320C6457 通信インフラ デジタル シグナル プロセッサ TMS320C6472 固定小数点デジタル シグナル プロセッサ TMS320C6474 マルチコア デジタル シグナル プロセッサ


The TI Embedded Processor Software Toolkit for Medical Imaging (STK-MED) is a collection of several standard ultrasound and optical coherence tomography (OCT) algorithms for TI's C66x and C64x+ architecture. The algorithms showcase how medical imaging functions can leverage the C66x and C64x+ architecture for efficient performance and low power consumption. The goal of STK-MED is to shorten customer development time of medical imaging systems by providing optimized implementations of commonly used processing blocks. The source code contained in the STK-MED can easily be extended or modified to develop customized and differentiated modules. Please see the landing page, https://www.ti.com/tool/s2meddus for feature details.

Additional Information

* Support Forum: Please post your question at https://e2e.ti.com/support/embedded/f/355.aspx and include tag "STK-MED".

Technical Documents

* Documentation is included within the package.


* Please do not install in the same directory as .exe file.

Legal Disclaimer

System and equipment manufacturers and designers are responsible to ensure that their systems (and any TI devices incorporated in their systems) meet all applicable safety, regulatory and system-level performance requirements. All application-related information on this website (including application descriptions, suggested TI devices and other materials) is provided for reference only. While we have taken care to assure it is accurate, this information is subject to customer confirmation, and TI disclaims all liability for system designs and for any applications assistance provided by TI. Use of TI devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless TI from any and all damages, claims, suits or expense resulting from such use.


21 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
その他の技術資料 Picture it: DSPs in medical imaging (Rev. C) 2013/07/12
ホワイト・ペーパー Medical Software Development on Keystone Devices 2013/07/12
ホワイト・ペーパー Another Look at the Future of Medical Processing 2013/07/12
その他の技術資料 Medical Imaging Tools provide fast, easy ultrasound development (Rev. B) 2012/01/20
アプリケーション・ノート Algorithms for Optical Coherence Tomography on TMS320C64x+ 2010/06/08
アプリケーション・ノート Implementation of Affine Warp Using TI DSP 2010/06/08
アプリケーション・ノート Using TI's Embedded Processor Software Toolkit for Medical Imaging (MED-STK) 2010/06/08
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ホワイト・ペーパー Multicore processors bring innovation to portable medical imaging systems 2010/06/08
製品概要 Receive Beamformer (RXBF) Data Sheet 2009/10/28
アプリケーション・ノート Wall Filter for Color Flow 2009/10/28
製品概要 RF Demodulator Data Sheet 2009/10/28
アプリケーション・ノート Doppler Power Estimator 2009/10/28
製品概要 Doppler Color Flow Estimator (1D) Data Sheet 2009/10/28
アプリケーション・ノート Doppler Color Flow Estimator (2D) 2009/10/28
製品概要 Four Quadrant Inverse Tangent (Low Precision) Product Brief 2009/10/28
その他の技術資料 Scan Converter Software Release Notes 2009/10/28
その他の技術資料 Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Software 2009/10/28
アプリケーション・ノート Ultrasound Scan Conversion on TI's C64x+ DSPs 2009/04/03
アプリケーション・ノート Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for Portable Ultrasound (Rev. A) 2008/12/18
アプリケーション・ノート Efficient Implementation of Ultrasound Color Doppler Algorithms on TI C64x 2008/11/07


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