RF ソフトウェア開発者用キット(RFSDK)


Texas Instruments Radio Frequency Software Development Kit (RFSDK) is a collection of highly optimized APIs and highly abstracted commands to control, configure and manage the JESD204B interface, digital front end (DFE), analog front end (AFE) and high speed data converters (ADC/DAC). The RFSDK enables customers to seamlessly program DFE on the KeyStone II – TCI6630 and 66AK2L06 devices. The RFSDK accelerates development, integration and system validation of wireless communication systems (e.g.: basestations, public safety) and high speed data generation and acquisition systems (e.g.: avionics and defense, test and measurement). Additionally, RFSDK provides complete integration code to hook up the TI processors with TI analog solutions based on ADC/DAC/AFEs. 

  • Request - To obtain access to the RFSDK source code, please select REQUEST above. Access to RFSDK source code is provided after approval.
  • Important - A Company or University e-mail address is required for this request to be granted.


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ソフトウェア開発キット (SDK)

RFSDK-V2 KeyStone II 向け RFSDK ソフトウェア パッケージ - TCI6630/66AK2L0x デバイス用


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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
ホワイト・ペーパー Optimizing your test and measurement solution by leveraging the most integrated 2015/11/03



ソフトウェア開発キット (SDK)
BIOSLINUXMCSDK SYS/BIOS および Linux マルチコア・ソフトウェア開発キット(MCSDK)、C66x/C647x/C645x プロセッサ用


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