The source code for a NIRScanNano Demo app + SDK is made freely available on KST's github repository
The source code for a NIRScanNano Demo app + SDK is made freely available on KST's github repository. This allows you to very quickly get up-and-running as a mobile developer wishing to take advantage of the NIRScan Nano's capabilities. The SDK allows easy integration into your shipping, native app.
The NIRScan Nano SDK has been written with ease of integration in mind. Simply drop the SDK class into a new iOS/Android project and allow it to manage all Bluetooth® Low Energy communications with the NIRScan Nano EVM or other product.
The NIRScan Nano SDK has been written with ease of integration in mind. Simply drop the SDK class into a new iOS/Android project and allow it to manage all Bluetooth® Low Energy communications with the NIRScan Nano EVM or other product.
画像の提供元:KS Technologies LLC
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