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TLVM136x0 Power Module Quickstart Design Tool

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Latest version
Release date: Mar 6, 2022
Power modules (integrated inductor)
TLVM13620 3.6-V to 36-V input, 1-V to 6-V output, 2-A step-down module in 4-mm x 6-mm x 1.8-mm package TLVM13630 High-density, 3-V to 36-V input, 1-V to 6-V output, 3-A step-down power module TLVM13660 36-V input, 1-V to 6-V output, 6-A buck power module in 5-mm x 5.5-mm enhanced HotRod™ QFN
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TLVM13630EVM TLVM13630 evaluation board 3-V to 36-V input, 1-V to 6-V, 3-A output power module TLVM13660EVM TLVM13660 evaluation board 3-V to 36-V input, 1-V to 6-V, 6-A output, power module

Release Information

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