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Design Tool for Analog Dimming Using a PWM Signal

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Release date: Jun 21, 2011
AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
TLV62130A 3-17V 3A Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN Package TLV62150A 4-17V, 1A STEP-DOWN CONVERTER with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN Package TPS62130 3-17V 3A Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN Package TPS62130A 3-V to 17-V, 3-A step-down converter with DCS-control in 3x3 QFN package TPS62140 3–17V 2A Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN package TPS62140A 3–17V 2A Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN package TPS62150 3–17V 1A Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN package TPS62150A 3-17V 1A 3MHz Step-Down Converter with DCS-Control in 3x3 QFN Package
Automotive LED drivers
TPS61161-Q1 Automotive White LED driver with Digital and PWM brightness control in 2mm x 2mm QFN Package
Backlight LED drivers
TPS61160 White LED driver with Digital and PWM brightness control in 2mm x 2mm Package TPS61160A White LED driver with PWM brightness control in 2mm x 2mm Package. up to 10 LEDs in Series TPS61161 White LED driver with Digital and PWM brightness control in 2mm x 2mm WSON Package TPS61165 High brightness white LED driver in 2mm x 2mm QFN Package TPS61166 White LED driver w/ integrated power Diode and Fast Burst dimming Mode

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