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UCC272xx Schematic Review Template

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Release date: May 1, 2022
Half-bridge drivers
UCC27200 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS inputs UCC27200-Q1 Automotive 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS inputs UCC27200A 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO, negative voltage handling and CMOS inputs UCC27201 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL inputs UCC27201A 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and negative voltage handling UCC27201A-DIE 120V Boot, 3-A Peak, High Frequency, High-Side/Low-Side Driver UCC27201A-Q1 Automotive 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and negative voltage handling UCC27210 4-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS inputs UCC27211 4-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL inputs UCC27211A 4-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and negative voltage handling UCC27211A-Q1 Automotive 4-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and negative voltage handling UCC27212 4-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 5-V UVLO and negative voltage handling UCC27212A-Q1 Automotive, 4-A , 120-V half bridge gate driver with 5-V UVLO UCC27282 3-A, 120-V half-bridge gate driver with 5-V UVLO, interlock and enable UCC27282-Q1 Automotive 3-A, 120-V half bridge driver with 5-V UVLO, interlock and enable UCC27284 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 5-V UVLO and enable UCC27284-Q1 Automotive 3-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 5-V UVLO UCC27288 2.5-A to 3.5-A 120-V half-bridge driver with 8-V UVLO and no internal bootstrap diode UCC27289 2.5-A to 3.5-A, 120-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and enable

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