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DLP Pico Boot Diagnostic Tool
DLP Boot Diagnostic Tool v1.0.0 Installer
Visible products (420 to 700 nm)
≤ 0.47-in array pico products
DLP Boot Diagnostic Tool v1.0.0 User's Guide
DLP Boot Diagnostic Tool v1.0.0 Release Notes
DLP Boot Diagnostic Tool v1.0.0 Manifest
Release Information
These are the release notes for the following firmware image file:
- Firmware Version: 1.1.0
- Embedded Software Version: 8.3.5
- Generated from DLP Composer Version: 13.13
The purpose of this firmware image is to diagnose DLPC34XX systems not booting.
New Features and Changes
- This is the intial release of this firmware image file.
Known Issues
- Firmware will not point out problems with power rails or errors caused by the Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC).