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ClockPro Software

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Latest version
Release date: Feb 10, 2015
Clock generators
CDCE706 300-MHz, LVCMOS, programmable 3-PLL clock synthesizer / multiplier / divider CDCE906 167-MHz, LVCMOS, programmable 3-PLL clock synthesizer / multiplier / divider CDCE913 Programmable 1-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 2.5-V or 3.3-V LVCMOS outputs CDCE925 Programmable 2-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 2.5-V or 3.3-V LVCMOS outputs CDCE937 Programmable 3-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 2.5-V or 3.3-V LVCMOS outputs CDCE949 Programmable 4-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 2.5-V or 3.3-V LVCMOS outputs CDCEL913 Programmable 1-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs CDCEL925 Programmable 2-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs CDCEL937 Programmable 3-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs CDCEL949 Programmable 4-PLL VCXO clock synthesizer with 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
CDCE906-706PROGEVM CDCE906 and CDCE706 programmable EVM CDCE913PERF-EVM CDCE913 Performance Evaluation Module CDCE925PERF-EVM CDCE925 Performance Evaluation Module CDCE949PERF-EVM CDCE949 Performance Evaluation Module CDCEL913PERF-EVM CDCEL913 Performance Evaluation Module CDCEL925PERF-EVM CDCEL925 Performance Evaluation Module CDCEL949PERF-EVM CDCEL949 Performance Evaluation Module CDCEL9XXPROGEVM CDCE(L)949 Family EEPROM Programming Board

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