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Audio Codecs for C55x - Software and Documentation

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Latest version
Version: 1.00.002
Release date: Mar 7, 2010
Arm-based processors
OMAP5912 Applications processor
Digital signal processors (DSPs)
SM320VC5507-EP Enhanced product low power C5507 fixed point DSP TMS320VC5501 Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 300MHz TMS320VC5502 Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320VC5503 Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 200MHz TMS320VC5505 Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 100MHz, USB, LCD interface, FFT HWA, SAR ADC TMS320VC5506 Low power C55x fixed point DSP - 108MHz TMS320VC5507 Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320VC5509A Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320VC5510A Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors


Release Information

All codecs are



All the C55x codecs were tested on C5505 and C5510

SUPPORTED PLATFORMS:All these audio modules can be used on any of the C55x based platforms like C5505, C5510 and C5502

PERFORMANCE: Please refer to codec data sheet for MHz and memory requirement. Actual MHz requirements vary depending on memory configuration