This design uses an OPA2810 high-speed amplifier to provide two multiple feedback (MFB) low-pass filter boards with 1 MHz cutoff frequencies. The fourth-order board, provides a fourth-order filter with high gain and steep roll-off. The high-impedance board (High-Z), is a second-order filter meant for systems with a large output impedance in the previous stage. Both boards in this reference design offer engineers a high-gain, wide supply range filter with a focus on minimizing noise and distortion.
- Cascaded low-pass filter to achieve a gain up to 40 dB and a cutoff frequency of 1 MHz
- Multiple feedback topology for fourth-order and second-order designs
- Compact two-stage design for high gain second or fourth-order filters
- Minimal overshoot and ringing resulting from high stability
- Low-distortion and low-noise design
- Uses the JFET-input OPA2810 for low input noise, high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), and fast slew rate
- Supports wide supply voltage range and high output voltage designs