SimpleLink MSP432 Software Development Kit (SDK)




The MSP432 software development kit (SDK) is a comprehensive software package that enables engineers to quickly develop highly functional applications on Texas Instruments MSP432™ microcontrollers (MCUs). The MSP432 SDK is comprised of multiple compatible software components including RTOS, drivers, and middleware as well as examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.


  • Flexible programming paradigms from bare metal to high-level APIs support the complete product lifecycle.
  • Jumpstart development with a rich set of application examples, clear documentation, getting started guides, training videos, and 24/7 online support.
  • Low cost of ownership with royalty-free software and rigorous testing of all software offerings, a predictable release cadence, and simplified upgrades compliant with published APIs.

  • TI-RTOS kernel: RTOS kernel developed by Texas Instruments with advanced power management capabilities
  • POSIX implementation of RTOS kernel: Portability across TI-RTOS and 3rd-party POSIX-compliant RTOSes including a pre-validated implementation of freeRTOS
  • TI Drivers: High-level abstraction layer with thread-safe APIs that operate across TI-RTOS and freeRTOS
  • Ethernet connectivity stacks: TCP/IP using NDK and lwIP, mbedTLS
  • USB stack for USB Full-speed/High-speed, Device/Host/OTG
  • Driver Library: Hardware peripheral software APIs that abstract away the intricacy of the device's hardware registers
  • Graphics Library: Create graphical user interfaces for MSP432 MCU-based systems incorporating a graphical display including the display driver layer, specific to the display in use; and the graphics primitives layer, which draws points, lines, rectangles, circles, text, and bitmap images
    • Image Reformer Tool: Image size and color depth manipulation utility used in Graphics Library
  • IQMathLib: A collection of highly optimized and high-precision mathematical functions for C programmers to seamlessly port a floating-point algorithm into fixed-point code on MSP432 microcontroller devices
  • Wide-ranging demo suite: Showcases several software libraries included in the SDK
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation and examples for each software components including software API Guides and User's Guides
  • Migration Guide from MSP432Ware: Guide provided in the SDK as well as on TI Cloud Resource Explorer

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Get started

  1. Buy the LaunchPad™ development kit
  2. Dowload the MSP432E4 SDK
  3. Get started with the MSP432E4 SimpleLink Academy


Additional resources you might need

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