Processor SDK (Software Development Kit) is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and migrate software across devices. Developing scalable platform solutions has never been easier than with the Processor SDK and TI’s embedded processor solutions.
Processor SDK v.02.xx includes support for both Linux and TI-RTOS operating systems.
Linux Highlights:
- Long-Term Stable (LTS) Mainline Linux kernel support
- U-Boot bootloader support
- Linaro GNU compiler collection (GCC) tool chains
- Yocto Project™ OE Core compatible file systems
RTOS Highlights:
- TI-RTOS kernel, a light-weight real-time embedded operating system for TI devices
- Chip support libraries, drivers, and basic board-support utilities
- Interprocessor communication for communication across cores and devices
- Optimized C66x algorithm libraries
- Basic networking stack and protocols
- Bootloaders and boot utilities
- Linaro GNU compiler collection (GCC) tool chains
Linaro Toolchain Support
The Linaro toolchain is comprised of robust, commercial-grade tools which are optimized for Cortex-A processors. The tool chain is fully supported by TI and the entire Linaro community including Linaro staff engineers, member company developers and others in the open source community. Linaro tools, software and testing procedures are included in this latest release of the Processor SDK.
Yocto Project™ Support
The Yocto Project is an open-source collaboration spearheaded by the Linux Foundation to simplify the framework for building embedded Linux software distributions. TI makes this available through its Arago distribution. The Arago Project provides a verified, tested and supported subset of packages, built with a free and open tool chain. Additional resources on Yocto Project and TI’s Arago distribution are available at