C2000 SafeTI™ 60730 SW Packages




The C2000 MCU SafeTI-60730 Software package includes UL-certified, as recognized components, SafeTI™ software packages that help make designing for functional safety consumer applications with C2000™ real-time control microcontrollers (MCUs) easier and faster. The software in these SafeTI software packages is UL-certified, as recognized components, to the UL 1998:2008 Class 1 standard, and is compliant with IEC 60730-1:2010 Class B, both of which include home appliances, arc detectors, power converters, power tools, e-bikes, and many others. SafeTI software packages are available for select TI C2000 MCUs and can be embedded in applications using these MCUs to help customers simplify certification for functional safety-compliant consumer devices. Because of the similarity of the two standards, the IEC 60730 software libraries can also help assist customers developing consumer applications compliant with the IEC 60335-1:2010 standard.

The software packages include ready-to-run, simple application examples with software libraries UL-certified, as recognized components, for select TI C2000 MCUs, and can be downloaded from the SafeTI software folder, along with supporting safety manuals and user guides. The software library allows for embedding a variety of system tests required by IEC 60730 and UL 1998, which are described in the supporting safety manual. Projects built with the software library demonstrate how to create power-on self-test (POST) and periodic self-test (PST) with reporting conducted through a UART peripheral connection. The user's guide demonstrates how to integrate the testing into functional safety consumer application designs. The C2000 MCUs include a special hardware element – parallel signature analysis (PSA) – that allows for a 40-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of the data bus on a cycle-by-cycle basis for additional safety without affecting the main CPU or software application.

The RD-195 software package implements an application appropriate for UL1699B, which uses TI's UL-certified, as recognized components, comprehensive UL 1998:2008 Class 1 standard library and also includes TI's Arc Detection library. The software library provides an RS232 interface for remote configuration and status information. This RD-195 package can be used as a starting point for implementing customized arc-detection systems.

  • Support for the following C2000 series
    • Delfino F2833x
    • Piccolo F2802x, F2803x, F2805x, F2806x
  • Support for Delfino F2837x and Piccolo F2807x are included in the SafeTI Diagnostics Library
  • IEC60730 Software libraries, user guides code examples
  • Piccolo MCU Arcdetect Software libraries, user guides, RD195 schematics and code examples

  • C2000 MCU Safety Manual for IEC60730
  • IEC60730 SW libraries

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C2000-IEC60730-SW-PACKAGE C2000 SafeTI™ IEC60730 Software libraries, user guides, and code examples

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C2000-IEC60730-SW-PACKAGE C2000 SafeTI™ IEC60730 Software libraries, user guides, and code examples

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Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
Application note C2000™ Hardware Built-In Self-Test (Rev. A) PDF | HTML Sep 28, 2022
Application note Error Detection in SRAM (Rev. A) PDF | HTML Oct 28, 2020
Application note C2000 CPU Memory Built-In Self-Test Nov 27, 2017

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