Clock Design Tool - Loop Filter & Device Configuration + Simulation




The Clock Design Tool software helps with part selection, loop filter design and simulation of timing device solutions. When you enter desired output frequencies and a reference frequency (optional), the tool provides TI devices to meet the specified requirements, divider values and a recommended loop filter to minimize jitter.

CLOCKDESIGNTOOL tutorial videos

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Loop filter & device configuration + simulation

 Simulation tool

Device register programming

LMX24xx PLL family


 Clock Architect



LMX25xx PLL+VCO family

Clock Design Tool

LMK jitter cleaners and distributors

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CLOCKDESIGNTOOL Clock Design Tool Software

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Clock buffers
LMK00301 3-GHz, 10-output differential fanout buffer / level translator LMK00304 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 4 configurable outputs LMK00306 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 6 configurable outputs LMK00308 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 8 configurable outputs LMK01000 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 3 LVDS & 5 LVPECL outputs LMK01010 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 8 LVDS outputs LMK01020 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 8 LVPECL outputs LMK01801 Dual clock distribution
Clock generators
LMK02000 1 to 800-MHz, precision clock distributor with integrated PLL and 3 LVDS / 5 LVPECL outputs LMK02002 1 to 800-MHz, precision clock distributor with integrated PLL and 4 LVPECL outputs LMK03000 1185 to 1296-MHz, 800fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03001 1470 to 1570-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03002 1566 to 1724-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03033 1843 to 2160-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03200 Precision 0-delay clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03806 Ultra-low jitter clock generator with 14 outputs
Clock jitter cleaners
LMK04000 Precision clock conditioners low-noise clock jitter cleaner with cascaded PLLs LMK04001 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04002 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1600 to 1750-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04010 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1185 to 1296-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04011 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04031 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04033 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1840 to 2160-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04100 Precision clock conditioners clock jitter cleaner with cascaded PLLs LMK04101 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04102 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1600 to 1750-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04110 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1185 to 1296-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04111 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04131 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04133 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1840 to 2160-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04208 Ultra low-noise clock jitter cleaner with 6 programmable outputs LMK04228 Ultra low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs LMK04806 Low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual cascaded PLLs and integrated 2.5-GHz VCO LMK04808 Low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs and integrated 2.9-GHz VCO LMK04816 Three input low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs LMK04826 Ultra low-noise JESD204B compliant clock jitter cleaner with integrated 1840 to1970-MHz VCO0 LMK04828 Ultra low-noise JESD204B compliant clock jitter cleaner with integrated 2370 to 2630-MHz VCO0. LMK04906 Ultra low noise clock jitter cleaner/multiplier with 6 programmable outputs
RF PLLs & synthesizers
LMX2430 3.0-GHz/0.8-GHz PLLatinum dual high frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2433 3.6-GHz/1.7-GHz PLLatinum dual high frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2434 5.0-GHz/2.5-GHz PLLatinum low power dual frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2485 500-MHz to 3-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2485E 50-MHz to 3-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2485Q-Q1 500MHz to 3GHz automotive delta-sigma low power dual PLL LMX2486 1-GHz to 4.5-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2487 1 to 6-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLLatinum frequency synthesizer with 3.0-GHz integer PLL LMX2487E 3-GHz to 7.5-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2531 High performance frequency synthesizer system with integrated VCO LMX2541 Ultra-low noise PLLatinum frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO LMX2581 3.76-GHz wideband frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO
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CLOCKDESIGNTOOL Clock Design Tool Software

Latest version
Release date: Feb 1, 2012
Clock buffers
LMK00301 3-GHz, 10-output differential fanout buffer / level translator LMK00304 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 4 configurable outputs LMK00306 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 6 configurable outputs LMK00308 3.1-GHz differential clock buffer/level translator with 8 configurable outputs LMK01000 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 3 LVDS & 5 LVPECL outputs LMK01010 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 8 LVDS outputs LMK01020 1.6-GHz high performance clock buffer, divider, and distributor with 8 LVPECL outputs LMK01801 Dual clock distribution
Clock generators
LMK02000 1 to 800-MHz, precision clock distributor with integrated PLL and 3 LVDS / 5 LVPECL outputs LMK02002 1 to 800-MHz, precision clock distributor with integrated PLL and 4 LVPECL outputs LMK03000 1185 to 1296-MHz, 800fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03001 1470 to 1570-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03002 1566 to 1724-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03033 1843 to 2160-MHz, 800-fs RMS jitter, precision clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03200 Precision 0-delay clock conditioner with integrated VCO LMK03806 Ultra-low jitter clock generator with 14 outputs
Clock jitter cleaners
LMK04000 Precision clock conditioners low-noise clock jitter cleaner with cascaded PLLs LMK04001 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04002 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1600 to 1750-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04010 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1185 to 1296-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04011 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04031 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04033 Low-noise jitter cleaner with 1840 to 2160-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04100 Precision clock conditioners clock jitter cleaner with cascaded PLLs LMK04101 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04102 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1600 to 1750-MHz VCO:3 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+4 outputs for LVCOMS LMK04110 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1185 to 1296-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04111 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:5 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC LMK04131 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1430 to 1570-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04133 Jitter cleaner with integrated 1840 to 2160-MHz VCO:2 outputs for 2VPEC/LVPEC+LVDS+LVCOMS LMK04208 Ultra low-noise clock jitter cleaner with 6 programmable outputs LMK04228 Ultra low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs LMK04806 Low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual cascaded PLLs and integrated 2.5-GHz VCO LMK04808 Low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs and integrated 2.9-GHz VCO LMK04816 Three input low-noise clock jitter cleaner with dual loop PLLs LMK04826 Ultra low-noise JESD204B compliant clock jitter cleaner with integrated 1840 to1970-MHz VCO0 LMK04828 Ultra low-noise JESD204B compliant clock jitter cleaner with integrated 2370 to 2630-MHz VCO0. LMK04906 Ultra low noise clock jitter cleaner/multiplier with 6 programmable outputs
RF PLLs & synthesizers
LMX2430 3.0-GHz/0.8-GHz PLLatinum dual high frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2433 3.6-GHz/1.7-GHz PLLatinum dual high frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2434 5.0-GHz/2.5-GHz PLLatinum low power dual frequency synthesizer for RF personal communications LMX2485 500-MHz to 3-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2485E 50-MHz to 3-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2485Q-Q1 500MHz to 3GHz automotive delta-sigma low power dual PLL LMX2486 1-GHz to 4.5-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2487 1 to 6-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLLatinum frequency synthesizer with 3.0-GHz integer PLL LMX2487E 3-GHz to 7.5-GHz delta-sigma low power dual PLL for RF personal communications LMX2531 High performance frequency synthesizer system with integrated VCO LMX2541 Ultra-low noise PLLatinum frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO LMX2581 3.76-GHz wideband frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO

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* User guide Clock Design Tool v1.1 Instructions User's Guide Feb 2, 2012

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