This circuit demonstrates how to use a current sense amplifier to accurately and robustly measure small micro-amp currents and maximize dynamic range. The following error analysis can be applied to many current sense amplifiers. This design relies on using a precision, low input-bias current sense amplifier and analyzing the dynamic error due to input bias currents on large shunt resistors.
- Input:
- Iload = 1 μA - 104 μA
- Vcm = –0.1 V ≤ Vcm ≤ 40 V
- Output:
- Vout = 31.0 mV at 1 μA and 3.224 V at 104 μA
- Supply:
- Iqmax = 65 μA
- Vvs = 3.3 V
- Vee = 0 V
- Temperature