Bluetooth Low Energy software stack archive
This page contains links to obtain previous versions of the BLE-Stack releases. For new projects, TI recommends using the newest release in order to take advantages of all improvements and new features. The latest BLE-Stack release can be found at
These are previous SDK releases of the TI Bluetooth® low energy BLE-Stack 2.2.x software stack for TI’s SimpleLink™ Bluetooth Low Energy CC2640 wireless MCU, SimpleLink™ multi-standard CC2650 wireless MCU and SimpleLink™ dual band CC1350 wireless MCU supporting Bluettoth 4.2 LE. Refer to the release notes in each SDK for details on these releases. For new projects, TI recommends using the newest release in order to take advantage of all improvements and new features.
BLE-STACK 1.4.x for CC2540 and CC2541
Texas Instruments' Bluetooth® Low Energy BLE-Stack 1.4.x software development kit (SDK) for the CC2540 and CC2541 wireless MCUs provides a Bluetooth 4.0 LE qualified software protocol stack (see important note below regarding qualification) that includes all necessary software to get started on the development of single-mode and network processor Bluetooth LE applications. The BLE-Stack 1.4.x SDK is available royalty-free to customers using TI’s CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth Low Energy system-on-chip (SoC) family and supports development kits such as the CC2541 Mini Development Kit and CC2540 Evaluation Module Kit. Application development with this SDK is enabled by IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051.
Note: the BLE-Stack 1.4.x protocol stack is qualified to the Bluetooth 4.0 specification. This specification version has since been deprecated by the Bluetooth SIG. Existing products that have been qualified with this and earlier BLE-Stack release may continue to ship, however, the ability to qualify newer end products with the BLE-Stack 1.4.x protocol stack may not be permitted at a future date. TI recommends using the latest BLE-Stack 1.5.x release, which is qualified to Bluetooth 5.0 and remains API and feature compatible to BLE-Stack 1.4.2, for all new BLE designs incorporating the CC2540 and CC2541.
This previous release of the Texas Instruments' Bluetooth® low energy BLE--Stack 2.0.0 software stack for TI’s SimpleLink™ CC2640 Bluetooth Low Energy wireless MCU and SimpleLink™ CC2650 multi-standard wireless MCU is a full-featured Bluetooth 4.1 stack. For new projects, TI recommends using the newest release in order to take advantages of all improvements and new features. This Bluetooth 4.1 SDK is will no longer be available for Bluetooth certification after November 22, 2017. See the TI BLE Wiki for more information.
This previous release of the Texas Instruments' Bluetooth® low energy BLE-Stack 2.1.0 software stack for TI’s SimpleLink™ CC2640 Bluetooth Low Energy wireless MCU and SimpleLink™ CC2650 multi-standard wireless MCU is a full-featured Bluetooth 4.1 stack. For new projects, TI recommends using the newest release in order to take advantages of all improvements and new features. This Bluetooth 4.1 SDK is will no longer be available for Bluetooth certification after November 22, 2017. See the TI BLE Wiki for more information.
This previous release of the Texas Instruments' Bluetooth® low energy BLE--Stack 2.1.1 software stack for TI’s SimpleLink™ CC2640 Bluetooth Low Energy wireless MCU , SimpleLink™ CC2650 multi-standard wireless MCU and SimpleLink CC1350 dual-band wireless MCU is a full-featured Bluetooth 4.1 stack. For new projects, TI recommends using the newest release in order to take advantages of all improvements and new features. This Bluetooth 4.1 SDK is will no longer be available for Bluetooth certification after November 22, 2017. See the TI BLE Wiki for more information.
BLE-STACK-2-1 — BLE-STACK V2.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-1 — BLE-STACK V2.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-1-1 — BLE-STACK V2.1.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-1-1 — BLE-STACK V2.1.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-2-0 — BLE-STACK V2.2.0 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-2-0 — BLE-STACK V2.2.0 (Support for CC2640/CC2650)
BLE-STACK-2-2-1 — BLE-STACK V2.2.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650/CC1350)
BLE-STACK-2-2-1 — BLE-STACK V2.2.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650/CC1350)
BLE-STACK-2-2-2 — BLE-STACK V2.2.2 (Support for CC2640/CC2650 )
BLE-STACK-2-2-2 — BLE-STACK V2.2.2 (Support for CC2640/CC2650 )
BLE-STACK-2-2-3 — I. BLE-STACK V2.2.3 (Support for CC2640/CC2650 )
BLE-STACK-2-2-3 — I. BLE-STACK V2.2.3 (Support for CC2640/CC2650 )
BLE-STACK-CC25X — BLE-STACK V1.4.0 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
BLE-STACK-CC25X — BLE-STACK V1.4.0 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-4-1 — BLE-STACK V1.4.1 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-4-1 — BLE-STACK V1.4.1 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-4-2 — BLE-STACK supports Bluetooth 4.0 for CC2540 and CC2541. Available for new Bluetooth 4.0 end product qualifications until February 1, 2022
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-4-2 — BLE-STACK supports Bluetooth 4.0 for CC2540 and CC2541. Available for new Bluetooth 4.0 end product qualifications until February 1, 2022
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-5-0 — BLE-STACK V1.5.0 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
BLE-STACK-CC25X-1-5-0 — BLE-STACK V1.5.0 (Support for CC2540/CC2541)
Technical documentation
Type | Title | Date | ||
User guide | CC2540/41 Bluetooth Low Energy Software Developer’s Guide (Rev. I) | PDF | HTML | Jan 27, 2020 | |
User guide | CC2640/CC2650 Bluetooth low energy Software Developer’s Guide (Rev. E) | PDF | HTML | Mar 14, 2018 | |
User guide | CC2540/41 Bluetooth Low Energy Sample Application Guide (Rev. C) | May 2, 2013 |
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