The TLV245x is a family of rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifiers that sets a new performance point for supply current and ac performance. These devices consume a mere 23 µA/channel while offering 220 kHz of gain-bandwidth product, much higher than competitive devices with similar supply current levels. Along with increased ac performance, the amplifier provides high output drive capability, solving a major shortcoming of older micropower rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifiers. The TLV245x can swing to within 250 mV of each supply rail while driving a 2.5-mA load. Both the inputs and outputs swing rail-to-rail for increased dynamic range in low-voltage applications. This performance makes the TLV245x family ideal for portable medical equipment, patient monitoring systems, and data acquisition circuits.
Three members of the family (TLV2450/3/5) offer a shutdown terminal for conserving battery life in portable applications. During shutdown, the outputs are placed in a high-impedance state and the amplifier consumes only 16 nA/channel. The family is fully specified at 3 V and 5 V across an expanded industrial temperature range (40°C to 125°C). The singles and duals are available in the SOT23 and MSOP packages, while the quads are available in TSSOP. The TLV2450 offers an amplifier with shutdown functionality all in a 6-pin SOT23 package, making it perfect for high density circuits.
The TLV245x is a family of rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifiers that sets a new performance point for supply current and ac performance. These devices consume a mere 23 µA/channel while offering 220 kHz of gain-bandwidth product, much higher than competitive devices with similar supply current levels. Along with increased ac performance, the amplifier provides high output drive capability, solving a major shortcoming of older micropower rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifiers. The TLV245x can swing to within 250 mV of each supply rail while driving a 2.5-mA load. Both the inputs and outputs swing rail-to-rail for increased dynamic range in low-voltage applications. This performance makes the TLV245x family ideal for portable medical equipment, patient monitoring systems, and data acquisition circuits.
Three members of the family (TLV2450/3/5) offer a shutdown terminal for conserving battery life in portable applications. During shutdown, the outputs are placed in a high-impedance state and the amplifier consumes only 16 nA/channel. The family is fully specified at 3 V and 5 V across an expanded industrial temperature range (40°C to 125°C). The singles and duals are available in the SOT23 and MSOP packages, while the quads are available in TSSOP. The TLV2450 offers an amplifier with shutdown functionality all in a 6-pin SOT23 package, making it perfect for high density circuits.