LMV98x-N are low-voltage, low-power operational amplifiers. LMV98x-N operate from 1.8-V
to 5-V supply voltages and have rail-to-rail input and output. LMV98x-N input common mode voltage
extends 200mV beyond the supplies which enables user enhanced functionality beyond the supply
voltage range. The output can swing rail-to-rail unloaded and within 105 mV from the rail with
600-Ω load at 1.8-V supply. LMV98x-N are optimized to work at 1.8 V, which makes them ideal for
portable two-cell battery powered systems and single cell Li-Ion systems.
LMV98x-N offer a shutdown pin that can be used to disable the device and reduce the
supply current. The device is in shutdown when the SHDN pin is low. The
output is high impedance in shutdown.
LMV98x-N exhibit excellent speed-power ratio, achieving 1.4-MHz gain bandwidth product at
1.8-V supply voltage with low supply current. LMV98x-N are capable of driving a 600-Ω load and up
to 1000-pF capacitive load with minimal ringing. LMV98x-N have a high DC gain of 101 dB, making
them suitable for low frequency applications.
LMV981-N is offered in space-saving, 6-pin DSBGA, SC70, and SOT-23 packages. The 6-pin DSBGA package
has only a 1.006 mm × 1.514 mm × 0.945 mm footprint. LMV982-N is offered in a space-saving, 10-pin VSSOP
package. These small packages are ideal solutions for area constrained PCBs and portable electronics such as
cellular phones and PDAs.
LMV98x-N are low-voltage, low-power operational amplifiers. LMV98x-N operate from 1.8-V
to 5-V supply voltages and have rail-to-rail input and output. LMV98x-N input common mode voltage
extends 200mV beyond the supplies which enables user enhanced functionality beyond the supply
voltage range. The output can swing rail-to-rail unloaded and within 105 mV from the rail with
600-Ω load at 1.8-V supply. LMV98x-N are optimized to work at 1.8 V, which makes them ideal for
portable two-cell battery powered systems and single cell Li-Ion systems.
LMV98x-N offer a shutdown pin that can be used to disable the device and reduce the
supply current. The device is in shutdown when the SHDN pin is low. The
output is high impedance in shutdown.
LMV98x-N exhibit excellent speed-power ratio, achieving 1.4-MHz gain bandwidth product at
1.8-V supply voltage with low supply current. LMV98x-N are capable of driving a 600-Ω load and up
to 1000-pF capacitive load with minimal ringing. LMV98x-N have a high DC gain of 101 dB, making
them suitable for low frequency applications.
LMV981-N is offered in space-saving, 6-pin DSBGA, SC70, and SOT-23 packages. The 6-pin DSBGA package
has only a 1.006 mm × 1.514 mm × 0.945 mm footprint. LMV982-N is offered in a space-saving, 10-pin VSSOP
package. These small packages are ideal solutions for area constrained PCBs and portable electronics such as
cellular phones and PDAs.