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STAR-Dundee Ltd.
Aerospace engineering company
STAR-Dundee is an aerospace engineering company focused on spacecraft on-board data-handling and processing technology. The company delivers a comprehensive range of test and development equipment, chip designs and IP cores to the world’s space agencies and international aerospace industry. STAR-Dundee is a world leader in SpaceWire and SpaceFibre technology.
SpaceWire is a spacecraft on-board data-handling network which connects instruments to the mass-memory, data processors and control processors. SpaceWire has some specific characteristics that make it ideal for many space missions: high-speed, low-power, simplicity, relatively low implementation cost, and architectural flexibility.
SpaceFibre is a multi-Gbits/s, on-board network technology for spaceflight applications, which runs over electrical or fibre-optic cables. It complements the capabilities of SpaceWire: improving the data rate by a factor of 10, reducing the cable mass by a factor of two and providing quality of service (QoS) and FDIR capabilities.
STAR-Dundee have the world-leading expertise and technology needed to support your SpaceWire and SpaceFibre project and to help make it a success. Started in 2002, STAR-Dundee was born out of the Space Technology Centre at the University of Dundee, which led the technical work on the SpaceWire standard, something which staff at STAR-Dundee have been instrumental in for more than 15 years.
+44 (0)1382 201 755
- パートナーへのお問い合わせ
- www.star-dundee.com
- 評価ボード
- 北米
- STAR House, 166 Nethergate
- Dundee, DD1 4EE
STARD-3P-STAR-TIGER — SpaceFibre 向け、TI の耐放射線特性電源 IC と各種アナログ IC 採用、STAR-Dundee の STAR-Tiger 電源
STAR-Tiger は、高性能な SpaceFibre ルーティング スイッチであり、EU (欧州連合) Hi-SIDE プロジェクトに属しているほか、欧州宇宙フォーラム (European Space Forum) の宇宙革新賞 (Innovation in Space Award) を受賞しました。STAR-Tiger ユニット内の電源ボードは、ルーティング スイッチの実装で採用している Xilinx KU060 FPGA に 1次側電源レールを供給します。STAR-Tiger 電源ボードは、TI (...)