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Design house TI Arm-based processors, MCUs, and accessories with IDE for software developers
MIKROE is a company, founded in 2001, that produces entire development tool chains for all major microcontroller architectures. Time-saving embedded tools, created on a daily basis. Through a commitment to excellent, reliable and fully equipped hardware and software products, MIKROE aims to help fellow engineers get the job done quickly.
MIKROE is the creator of the mikroBUS™ add-on board standard, selling over 1,000 unique Click board products direct from their website, through distribution partners, and on makerspace knowledge hubs.
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ASLKPRO — ASLKPRO ユニバーシティ・キット
MIKRO-3P-HDC-CLICK — MikroElektronika mikroBUS 温度および湿度センサ用ラピッド プロトタイピング クリック ボード
The HDC-CLICK family of MikroE Click board™ products are compact add-on boards that feature temperature and humidity sensors from Texas Instruments.
Each sensor selected has a specified resolution for humidity (typically %RH) and temperature readings from the sensor. The long-term stability and (...)
MIKRO-3P-OPT-CLICK — MikroE Optical CLICK evaluation boards
MikroE Click™ boards are compact add-on boards based around TI Optical Sensing Products that are suitable for obtaining ambient light data in applications like display optical-intensity, industrial, or commercial lighting control and enable quick cross-platform prototyping in a standardized (...)
MIKRO-3P-TMP-I2C-CLICK — I2C 搭載温度センサ用 MikroElektronika mikroBUS ラピッド プロトタイピング クリック ボード
The TMP-I2C-CLICK family of MikroE Click board™ products are compact add-on boards that accurately measure temperature. These boards feature the digital temperatures with an I2C interface for communicating with a host processor. Each temperature sensor selected has a specified resolution (accuracy) (...)