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iView Limited
Display system solution provider
iView Limited, a dynamic Optoelectronics R&D company, was founded on 24 August 2006 by a team of industrial veterans with solid background in the fields of display, optics, semiconductor and material science.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, iView strategically locates its R&D operation center in Shenzhen, China and microdisplay modulefabrication in Nanjing, China to support cost effective commercialization of continuous R&D advancements. Currently, iView experts have more than ten patents registered in the areas of display, optics and solid state electronics. Our excelling in the development of display system solutions has resulted in products with unsurpassed efficiencies. We are one of the pioneers realized the state-of-the-art pico-projection technology from laboratory to commercialized products now applicable in various consumer and industrial arena.
- www.iviewdisplays.com
- 光学モジュール
- 北米
- 18/F., Pico Tower, 66, Gloucester Road
- Wanchai