
Camera module vendor offering design services

FRAMOS is passionate about imaging and vision technologies. These technologies play a key role in robotics, automation and IoT-connected factory and are key drivers in cognitive systems and vision based artificial intelligence.

Every embedded vision system has specific requirements that, in most cases, only a custom solution can solve. FRAMOS' embedded vision ecosystem of interchangeable components, vision engineers and developers can quickly and easily connect those components and help customers develop their products from concept to market along with the Texas Instrumets processors. FRAMOS engineering will provide in depth development and imaging pipelines to customers like advanced color processing and image tuning available on request.

Arm ベースのプロセッサ
TDA4VM ディープ ラーニングとビジョンとマルチメディアの各アクセラレータ搭載、デュアル Arm® Cortex®-A72 SoC と C7x DSP
  • 評価ボード
  • アジアの他の地域
  • アフリカ
  • インド
  • オセアニア
  • ヨーロッパ
  • 中国
  • 北米
  • 南アメリカ
  • 日本
  • 2733 Lancaster Road
  • Suite 210
  • Ottawa, K1B 0A9



FRMS-3P-INDUSTRIAL-VISION — FRAMOS industrial vision for camera/ISP tuning, 3D cameras, imaging solutions and computer vision

Framos is passionate about imaging and vision technologies. These technologies play a key role in robotics, automation and IoT-connected factory and are key drivers in cognitive systems and vision based artificial intelligence.

Every embedded vision system has specific requirements that, in most (...)


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