
Plextek develops advanced radar, IoT and alt-navigation solutions to a wide array of customers.

Plextek collaborates with TI, offering advanced radar solutions that exceed the capabilities of TI's evaluation boards. Plextek's upgraded radar technology, expands the potential uses for TI's chips. As a trusted collaboration partner, Plextek provides valuable feedback for hardware and software improvements, driving future innovation. Plextek's "One TI board, for many uses" approach allows TI customers to unlock multiple improvement paths and maximize the value of their TI evaluation boards.

Industrial mmWave radar sensors
IWR6843 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz intelligent mmWave sensor integrating processing capability
Resources offered
  • Evaluation board
Supported regions
  • Africa
  • China
  • Europe
  • India
  • Japan
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • Rest of Asia
  • South America
  • The Plextek Building
  • London Road
  • Great Chesterford, CB10 1NY
  • United Kingdom


Evaluation board

PLX-3P-PLXT60 — Plextek PLX-T60 Radar Module

Plextek's PLX-T60 platform enables rapid development and deployment of bespoke mmWave radar solutions at scale and pace. The PLX-T60 platform combines our xWR6843 single chip 60GHz to 64GHz mmWave radar chipset with a novel substrate integrated waveguide antenna designed to deliver enhanced sensing (...)


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